Bushwhacker memories
Hi neighbors. Another Bushwhacker Days celebration has almost passed! There were many events scheduled and most were well attended.
I know many people plan time off work a year ahead of time so they can attend. Some have to travel many miles to get here. Many plan family reunions around the Bushwhacker Days week.
It is always a festive and exciting time for oldsters and youngsters alike where events can be taken in at a slow or fast pace. There is nothing more fun for me than moseying around the Square just seeing who I bump into and who is working at which booth.
You can tell which generation has children in school by which booths they are tending.
My peers have passed our own children's school, club, band, hobby events and have not yet got grandchildren old enough to have these interests. So, I haven't been dipping up ice cream, flipping hamburgers, slicing watermelons or pies or pushing plastic ducks down a slide this year.
That doesn't mean I wasn't out buying ice cream, hamburgers, watermelons or pies of course. I did avoid anything to do with plastic ducks.
Whatever your participation in this year's Bushwhacker Days, I hope you took lots of pictures. And I also hope you didn't forget to include yourself in some of them. How many of us lament the designated "photographer" of the family never being in any of the photos?
Take all the pictures of Dad and the kids and put them in a scrapbook for a Father's Day gift from the kids. He will like it, believe me.
Even young children now have cameras on their cell phones or simple digital cameras to use. I've seen some really good photos from 6 year olds. Digital photos are quick, cheap and easy to obtain.
The bad thing about digital pictures is they get lost so easily -- or forgotten and never enjoyed. Some people I know have hundreds of pictures on their cameras, phones or other electronic devices.
Camera cards, phones and even computers are not reliable media to save priceless pictures on in my opinion. I try to print mine off as soon as possible. The digital format is still there; but I also have something to hold in my hands; and up to the light to see better.
The common thing to do now is put pictures on a social media page. That's OK if you go to that website daily. But I hate those sites and never go there. So, I miss a lot of pictures and gossip I guess.
Until the next time friends, remember, digital photos don't last past the first time the "delete" button is accidentally hit. Printed photos only last as long as the paper they are printed on. And even memories are sometimes distorted or even lost forever.
Take all the pictures you want, make certain you are in at least a few of them, and enjoy the moment.