Kalthoff joins Nevada Daily Mail as advertising consultant
When a position came open in the Nevada Daily Mail's advertising department, it didn't take Susie Kalthoff long to find out about it.
Her daughter, Sarah Haney, already worked at the newspaper as an editorial assistant and she quickly let her mother know about the opening. Kalthoff applied and was hired as a sales representative, and after a training period has settled into the position.
"I enjoy working with people," she said. "I have lived here my entire life, so I already know most of them."
Advertising Director Lorie Harter said the Daily Mail is happy to have Kalthoff on the newspapers team of advertising consultants.
"Susie's past work experience as a retail store manager is beneficial in her role as a consultant, providing the professional, courteous service you've come to rely on from our staff."
As a former retail manager, Kalthoff now has experience on both sides of the aisle -- as a sales representative and as a customer.
"As a new rep for the newspaper, I was excited when I called a client to talk with him about a promo ad and he not only ran that ad, but picked up ads for the entire month.
As a retail manager, she got excited by reopening the store on Christmas Eve so children at the behavioral hospital could have a Christmas.
"I was happy to help," She said.
Before joining the Daily Mail, Kalthoff spent 20 years as a restaurant manager and six years as a chairside dental assistant.
"I had the opportunity to go back into management, but this time in retail," she said.
She managed a Dollar General store for eight years before being promoted to the corporate position as new store merchandiser. In that role, she set up new stores from empty shell to a fully stocked opening store in 5 1/2 days.
She had to leave the "very physical" position when she had to have two spinal surgeries.
Kalthoff and her husband, Robert, have been married for 13 years. In addition, to 25-year-old Sarah, she has four children, Bryan, 32, Michael, 30, Rachel, 27, and Paul, 21. She also has nine grandchildren.
"One of my favorite pastimes is watching my grandchildren's school programs and sporting events, she said.
She also plays the piano, sketches and paints, even though it seems to her like she doesn't have "enough time" for them anymore.
Kalthoff said her family and her lifetime accumulation of friends are her greatest accomplishments.