'Music on the Square' is winding down for the season

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Kentucky Road Gospel Quartet, back for the second year, open the nights entertainment. Photo by Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail.

"Music on the Square" coordinator Doug Harper said Tuesday that although the headline performer for Aug. 15 is being kept a surprise the National Anthem will be performed Thursday by Noah McNair, on an upright bass, and "this will be way cool!"

August 22 is The Variety Show featuring: Kevin Jaynes -- dance, Patric Christie -- drum solo, Dangerous Doug Harper and Drew Bauer -- music duo; Senior Center Band -- music; Jesse Akers and Paul Haney -- music duo; Rusty Murry -- reading of original short story; Rod Dillon -- soloist, Sarah Haney will be back as the master of ceremonies and more.

The season closer will be the re-scheduled performance of "Ike Richmond" singing 20 great songs.

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