Police academy still accepting applicants
The Nevada Police Department has announced that it is extending the deadline for applications for the fourth session of the Nevada Police Department's Citizens Police Academy.
According to a press release, the academy gives citizen participants an "inside look at the operations of their police department," The last day to turn in an application for the upcoming session is Friday, Aug. 30.
To qualify for participation, residents must be at least 18 years old, with no felony convictions and no domestic assault, or violent crime arrests. Participants also must be able to perform light physical activities.
The eight-week program will be conducted on Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., beginning Sept. 5. Most classes will take place in the council chambers, inside the Public Safety Building at 120 S. Ash Street. Applications may be obtained at the Nevada Police Department or online at www.neva-damo.org.