Sheldon seeks recycling grant

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nevada Daily Mail

In a step to increase recycling in Sheldon, Phyllis Sprenkle and Sheldon city clerk Becky Morgan asked presiding commissioner Bonnie McCord to help them draft a grant application to the Region M Solid Waste District at the Vernon County Commission meeting Tuesday.

The grant asks for $21,952 for Sheldon and $7,252 for Sheldon school district.

Sheldon's grant money would be used to purchase a trailer and pay for a part-time employee to overseeing the trailer's site and load. Vernon County would collect the trailer once a month.

In other business, the commission approved the contract between Nevada and Vernon County to collect Nevada's real estate and personal property taxes. Vernon County will receive $3,798.40 for use of computer equipment, data entry, printing and other services required. Also, 1.25 percent will be deducted from all taxes collected by the county and deposited into the Vernon County Assessment Fund.

Treasurer Phil Couch said the agreement saves the city in excess of $50,000 a year.

"In the past the city's had to write off the unpaid taxes, but now the collection rates are higher because before people can get a car tag, they have to pay their county taxes," he said.

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