Students learn about fire safety

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Bronaugh Preschool students and parents listen as Nevada firefighter Troy Denny tells them about the firehouse, fire safety and being a firemen during a Fire Safety Week tour conducted at the Nevada Fire Department on Tuesday. During the presentation, visitors learned about the personal safety locaters, breathing equipment and other gear used by firefighters. Students got to get inside a truck and tour the fire station where according to Denny, "we eat here, we sleep here and we and watch TV here," but it's not like your house. Students also talked about ememgency fire drills and plans at home, practiced a stop drop and roll and made sure everyone knew to call 911. Clockwise, from left Denny, Kutter Peterson, Joyce Agee,Tegan Dyer, Doug Bowling, Kolton Bennett, Ben Bennett, Xavier Rimmer, Journee Rimmer, Becky Dickinson, Livia Troupe, Janette Troupe Callie Yount, Sherrill Helzer, Trevor Yount, Keri Yount, Khris Alvarez and Crystal Alvarez. Photos by Rusty Murry/Daily Mail

Bronaugh preschooler Trevor Yount, wearing camo and a ball cap is anxious to touch suited up Nevada Firefighter Chris Robinson while the next boy in line Khris Alvarez seems a little scared of getting so close to the strangely garbed man during a Fire Safety Week tour of the Nevada Fire Department on Tuesday. About a dozen students, parents and teacher, Julie Forkner, spent the morning learning about the firehouse, fire fighters and fire safety.
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