Thanks for supporting the NHS volleyball team
Dear Editor:
The Nevada Lady Tiger volleyball program would like to give a special thank you to several individuals and organizations for their support during a great season. Thank you to all parents who helped line judge, provided water for bus trips, went to tournaments, waited on daughters when practice ran over, attended games and provided support; Cavener's Library and Office Supply for providing pens for the girls to give away on pink night; to our custodians for setting up the gym and cleaning after all matches; to the transportation staff at NHS; to our administration, our athletic director, the teachers, the student body and the community. Special thanks to Jodie McNeley and Janet Guthrie for all you did with the hospitality room at district games, by providing the great food, and lining up the staff and parents who provided goodies for it as well. Without everyone's support, we would not have experienced the success we did.
We appreciated First Edition in Pittsburg, Kan. for printing our Dig for a Cure shirts. Thanks to everyone who purchased these shirts and to Traci Cliffman and her family for handling the shirt orders and sorting them upon arrival. It was an awesome night and great to see so many people supporting such great causes with Relay for Life and Vernon County Cancer Relief. Amy Ast and Traci Cliffman did a superb job organizing both of the fundraising efforts that night.
Last, but not least, we want to thank Mike Harbit and Russ Warren at KNEM/KNMO and Eric Wade, Ralph Pokorny and Floyd Jernigan at Nevada Daily Mail for coverage of our games. You all did a super job. The fans love access to during our games away.
Thank you to all who supported Nevada Lady Tiger Volleyball teams this past season.
Coach Ashley Thoreson, Varsity
Coach Megan Krogen, JV
Coach Ranea Schulze, Freshmen