2013 Nevada Middle School Science Fair Award Winners

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Winners were announced Friday afternoon in the Nevada Middle School Science Fair and Expo. There were 151 total exhibits, with 134 science fair entries and 17 expo exhibits.

These projects are done voluntarily by the students on their own time.

The science fair is sponsored by the Nevada Rotary Club, which provides category champions with $25 gift cards and the Best of Show winner with a $50 gift card.

The school's science teachers working on this project include Amanda Pollock, Rachel Fast, and Angie Landoll.

Judges for this year's science fair and expo, who donated their time and expertise include: Jenny Allard, Mary Ann Wilson, Traci Cliffman, Bonnie Franklin, Dr. Christy Witt, Karen Gordon, Cottey professor Dr. Ganga Fernando, two students from Cottey College, Janet Guthrie, Julie West, Karen Hertzberg, Amy Hemphill, Jill Smith, Faye Koger, Rebecca Keltner, Bill Rhoads, Philip Gordon, Jennifer Dryer, Bryan Gast, Brian Norton, and Dr. Ron Jones.

Winners were:

* Physical Science category champion:

Project title: Static Cling

Winner: Laiken Cussimanio

* Technology and Inventions category champion:

Project title: Jelly Bean Launcher

Winner: Trent Pryor

* Chemistry and Biochemistry category champion:

Project title: The Lifespan of a Softball

Winner: Cameron Holcomb

* Botany/Zoology category champion:

Project title: Drop Dead...Weight

Winner: Alex Gast

* Medicine and Health category champion:

Project title: Sugar Rush

Winner: Sammy Gundy

* Consumer Science category champion:

Project title: Gluten

Winner: Emma Cheaney

* General and Earth Science category champion:

Project title: What's Bugging You?

Winner: Clay Landoll

* Best of Show Award:

Project title: Where are the Germs at NMS?

Winner: Sarah Byers

Awards Named After Former Science Teachers:

* Joe Olive Award:

Project title: Home Air Filters

Winner: Braden Ast

* Levon Haller Award:

Project title: Swish

Winner: Adrian Bond

* Janet Guthrie Award:

Project title: Shine On

Winner: Bronson Smith

* Larry Hurst Award:

Project title: .243 Ballistics

Winner: Grace Palmer

Special Awards:

* Healthy Tips Award:

Project title: Come Exercise With Me

Winner Jayden Ast

* Most Creative Award:

Project title: Fantastic Ferrofluid

Winner: McCade Gordon

* Environmentally Friendly Award:

Project title: Worms or No Worms?

Winner: Amara Pippin

* Super Slick Science Award:

Project title: Candy Waterfall

Winner: Logan Crain

* Best Artistic Design:

Project title: Ready, Aim, Shoot

Winner: Tristan Mitchem

* Agriculture Award:

Project title: Fast Eater

Winner: Kaitlyn Jenkins

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