Sheldon animal control remains unchanged
Nevada Daily Mail
Animal control in Sheldon remains at status quo as decided by the Board of Aldermen at its meeting Thursday.
Alderman Robert Moran suggested the aldermen reconsider the 2010 ordinance which places fines of $100 for the first time an animal is picked up and charges $200 subsequently.
"While there needs to be some motivation for people to control their animals, it should not be punishment," Moran said. "I think we should be trying to draw the city together. If the penalties are so great they become punishment, then the laws are more apt to be neglected or bring hostility."
Mayor Jerod Lamb said regardless of the amount of the fines, the town needs a mechanism for catching the animals.
However, the aldermen agreed the town could not afford an animal control officer.
"If we have an ordinance we should enforce it," Moran said. "Are we going to ignore it because of a lack of an animal control officer? That leads to the belief the city's laws are frivolous or discriminatory. We have a law that's very harsh but not enforced, that's probably worse than no law at all. For me this is not going to be a crusade or a war. I think we need to be consistent and fair."
Lamb said he would continue to direct the maintenance employee to pick up animals as needed.
"Here's what I tell people, if you are willing to go to city hall and file a complaint, then that animal will be picked up," he said.
In other business, Becky Morgan updated the aldermen on the Community Betterment Committee's plans.
"The playground scrap tire grant is due Jan. 17," Morgan said. "Phyllis Sprenkle is working on getting the quotes and letter of commitment from Region M necessary for that grant. She's waiting for official updates on the recycling grant, land and water park grant and the non-playground scrap tire grant."
Morgan explained a video is being prepared for the Drury University student presentation on Jan. 22. She handed out a brochure for the presentation which listed Sheldon's government, businesses, school board, organizations, park board, churches, library board, fire department, law enforcement, utilities and vision committee.
Lamb also asked the aldermen to consider for March any policy updates to the employee policy manual.