NRMC receives 3 Patient Experience Awards

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

Avatar Solutions, a leading provider of patient, CAHPS, employee and physician surveys, recently announced their 2013 award winning hospital partners. Highlighting its consistent dedication to providing a high-quality patient experience, Nevada Regional Medical Center was awarded the following honors:

Exemplary service -- Most improved -- Inpatient

Exemplary service -- Most improved -- Ambulatory surgery

HCAHPS best performer -- Medium hospital -- Quietness composite

"Avatar award winners show dedication to providing the excellent care experience that patients deserve," said Lynn Ehrmantraut, senior vice president of performance improvement at Avatar Solutions. "The awards indicate that NRMC is listening and responding to patient feedback and committed to provide the best experience for each individual patient."

Avatar Solutions is an innovative survey, data measurement, and performance improvement company with more than 30 years of experience and provides surveys to more than 500 hospitals and 13,000 clinicians nationwide.

"Without the dedication of all our employees, this award would not have been possible," said Dave Hample, interim chief executive officer at NRMC. "Our employees are the backbone of the organization and we are thrilled that their commitment to providing great patient experience has been recognized."

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