Sheldon bandstand scheduled for repair next year

Friday, June 20, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

Sheldon's bandstand will undergo repairs for one more year, and a new bandstand will be built facing north 6th Street/end of Main Street with a raised stage next year, the Sheldon Board of Aldermen decided at its meeting Thursday.

In the Community Betterment report, Phyllis Sprenkle told the aldermen Austin Mount from Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission will meet with them about repairing the old school building using a tax credit program. The recycling grant for Sheldon and the school district, which provides funding for recycling trailers and a part-time employee, was approved by Region M but waits on state approval.

"We are also looking at procuring a free used recycling trailer from Joplin for the school," Sprenkle said.

The approved land and water grant, which provides funding for making a walking trail in the park and playground improvements, needs a timeline or plan of action to proceed, she added.

"It would be nice to get some of this done before the Sheldon Picnic," she said. "Now would be a good time to remove the dead trees in the park and then replant in the fall."

Mayor Jerod Lamb said he would look into acquiring used playground equipment in Lamar to further improve the park.

"Maintenance workers will trim limbs on several streets, alleys and sidewalks for vehicular and pedestrian traffic," he said. "The part-time maintenance man working on streets will have wages reimbursed from the gas tax account."

Lamb also asked the aldermen how to handle unmowed properties in town. The board agreed to send letters to property owners and renters and watch how many respond in the next month. The aldermen will then review the weed ordinance and determine how to proceed afterward.

In other business, changes to the employee policy manual will be reviewed for two weeks before implementation, and the summer youth program has one participant who will assist with town maintenance.

The aldermen also approved a permit for Chigger's to sell fireworks contingent upon proof of insurance prior to license issue.

In the Sheriff's report, the aldermen discussed installing security camera systems and agreed to check prices.

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