Vernon County school buses pass safety inspections

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

Vernon County school buses passed this year's Highway Patrol school bus inspections with flying colors.

Of Nevada's 47 buses, four had minor infractions.

"We fixed the problems -- a brake light out, a loose connection," Nevada assistant superintendent Tyson Beshore said. "Our bus drivers do a great job. Our fleet is the best around."

Bronaugh's, Sheldon's and Hume's buses were all approved, while three of Northeast Vernon County's five buses had minor infractions.

"Everything's fixed," NEVC superintendent Charles Naas said. "We had one issue with lights and some mud had covered a brake line."

Naas added he is looking to replace one of the district's route buses. NEVC, Hume and Nevada all own and maintain their buses. Bronaugh contracts with Durham Bus Service, and Sheldon contracts with Apple Bus.

Colonel Ron Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, announced that of 11,997 buses inspected between February and May, 87.7 percent were approved upon initial inspection in Missouri.

School districts are allowed 10 days following inspection to repair identified defects before re-inspection by patrol personnel. Buses placed out of service by inspectors must be repaired and reinspected before being placed back into service.

Statewide, 10,161 buses received approval and 405 were placed out of service. A total of 258 school districts earned the distinction of Total Fleet Excellence for approval ratings of 90 percent or higher with no buses placed out of service, which includes Nevada, Bronaugh, Sheldon and Hume.

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