1985 World Series tickets were gift

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Sophie Olive with her 1985 World Series tickets. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail

Nevada Daily Mail

In 1985 Sophie Olive said that she and her husband, Joe, often would take their radio and chairs outside and listen to the Kansas City Royal games and whenever it was possible they would attend the games in person.

"We went quite a bit during the regular season," Olive said.

When it came to the World Series that year they did not have tickets, until the night before game 6 of series when Martha Cripps called her to say she and her husband Lawrence had tickets to the game, but were unable to go. Then offered them to the Olives who took them and went to the game the next night.

"I was thrilled to death. I didn't think that we'd ever get to go to a World Series game. But we really enjoyed it," Olive, now 91, said Friday afternoon.

"After the game was over, everyone started leaving. Joe said, 'let's stay a while and let the crowd go,'" she said.

While they were waiting for the crowd to thin out, KOAM-TV came over to them and talked to them and took our photo, she said.

"We were on TV the next day," Olive said.

"I really did appreciate Martha and Lawrence giving us the tickets," she said.

Olive said she was having her hair done Wednesday at the Magic Mirror, and the current World Series came up and Olive said that she had tickets from the 1985 game.

Then on Friday Olive said she was coming to town so she brought her tickets to show them to Monica Househoulder at the hair salon, who called the Daily Mail asking if someone was interested in talking to Olive about her tickets.

Joe Olive was a long-time educator in Nevada, who is credited with starting a science program in Nevada's elementary schools, and Sophie Olive was the school secretary at Benton Elementary School for many years.

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