Council approves pump motor repairs

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Nevada Daily Mail

The water that comes out of the faucet is a mixture of water from the city's reverse osmosis plant and unfiltered water from two wells. Recently the pump motor for one of the two wells failed, leaving only one source of water to blend with the RO water to reduce its corrosiveness.

City manager JD Kehrman told the city council Tuesday night that he authorized calling Flynn Drilling to pull the pump and motor and determine the problem.

"The cost of doing this fell within my authority," Kehrman told the council.

He said that when the pump and motor were pulled from the well, it was found the pump motor needed to be replaced and several sections of the piping that was below the water level showed considerable rust and needs to be replaced.

Kehrman said the cost of replacing the pump and piping is $14,684.

"Without this meeting I would have been inclined to do this under my emergency power," he said, adding that the pump on the city's second blend well failed there would be no way to mix unfiltered water with RO water..

Shawn Mittendorf, Alliance Water Resources local manager, told the council that when they noticed a problem with the pump they performed tests on the equipment, which indicated there was a problem with the pump.

He said that when Flynn Drilling pulled the pump, they discovered some of the bearings had failed.

In response to a question from council member Lance Christi, Mittendorf said that the pumps can last anywhere from five to 10 years and according to information they could find the current pump was installed in 2007.

Kehrman said that all the pipe below the water level showed sever corrosion and will be replaced with stainless steel pipe.

Mittendorf said the parts for the repair will be here within eight to 10 days.

In other business the council;

* Voted 5-0 to accept the low bid of $730.55 per month from WCA of Joplin for trash service. "This is a small decrease from the 2014 cost of $731.78 per month in 2014," Kehrman said.

* Voted 5-0 to accept the bid of $359,005.35 from APAC for the city's 2015 transportation sales tax projects.

* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving a construction agreement with Rosetta Construction for improvements to the city's waste water treatment system. The improvements will be funded in part by a State Revolving Fund loan from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

* Voted 5-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance increasing the trail fee at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course from $475 to $500 to cover increased operating expenses at the golf course. The parks board voted in September to keep all fees the same.

* Voted 5-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving an engineering services contract with Allgeier, Martin and Associated for miscellaneous engineering services. Under this agreement Allgeier Martin performs civil engineering services for the city at a specified hourly rate. The agreement provides for a 10% discount from "Allgeier, Martin's current hourly rates.

* Voted 5-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance amending the POST Commission, Judicial Education, parks construction and Cottey relocation funds.

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