National Volunteer Week: Thanking those in schools
ear Editor:
As the current Nevada R-5 Community Teachers Association president, I would like to bring the attention of our community to the fabulous volunteer infrastructure we have at the Nevada R-5 School District.
I was born and raised here, in Nevada, and am pleased to be active in the community heart by being part of our school district. My husband moved to the area (Milo to be specific) when he was seven years old and farms here today. He is also active in the Milo Rural Fire Department as chief and board president.
All of our lives, our parents taught us that it is an essential part of life to be of service and of help to others. This is why I'm writing to you today. This week is Public School Volunteer Week, and I want to recognize the wonderful volunteers we have at Nevada R-5.
I started working at Nevada R-5 eight years ago. At the time, I knew Nevada was a great district -- I graduated from here -- but it was also apparent that as an employee you are an integral part of the Nevada R-5 family.
As an instructor at the Nevada Regional Technical Center, I have the opportunity to work with wonderful people that are constantly giving back. The faculty and staff can be seen helping students and each other long after hours and even on weekends for the betterment of the students and the school district.
Some of our instructors' families can also be seen helping out with events and projects. You will find this happening in every building and at every event across the entire district. And it isn't just building exclusive, this type of service overflows between the buildings as well.
Before you think this is all about teachers, let me just say that while we as teachers try to do our very best to fill the needs of our students, we cannot do this by ourselves.
We have a myriad of selfless, giving volunteers who do more work behind the scenes, and in the forefront at times, than we can possibly list here. For example, ask any parent of any child that participates in an extra-curricular or co-curricular activity. They spend countless hours preparing for out-of-town events, then triple that for the home events, their time is incalculable.
I know it is impossible to list all of the volunteers, but the activities and events that they make possible are commendable. We have community members serving on committees and as judges, parents in PTO and in booster clubs, readers for our elementary schools and guest speakers in all of our classrooms, some are supporting and coaching sports, and the list goes on and on.
The people in Nevada, who volunteer their time to help make our school district a better place for our kids, teachers, and staff can never be honored enough for their sacrifices and service.
On behalf of the Nevada R-5 CTA, I wanted you to know that. We appreciate everything you, our volunteers, do to make our lives easier and to provide our students with a safe and happy place to go to every day.
Thank you!!!
Deb Zoglmann
Nevada R-5 CTA President