Vernon County Youth Fair -- fun time for all that attended
Dear Editor:
Vernon County is very fortunate to have more than 400 youth who participate in 4-H, FFA, and Scouts, and show their crafts, animals, showmanship, and Super Teen talents at the Youth Fair.
A big thank you for all the hard work by the Vernon County Youth Fair Board, Extension office staff, all 4-H leaders and families, individual, organizations, and businesses that made this year's fair a huge success.
The "4-H Heart" of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of our youth.
At the 4-H alumni event, Carol Parmenter spoke about her 20 years as the Vernon County Youth Specialist and shared that 4-H is just like a big family, the youth and their families make new and long lasting friends.
Thank you again to all the volunteers for your help in making memories for all the youth who participated in the 2015 fair.
Hope they don't just remember the rain and mud. Ha!
It was fun!
Peggy Pyle