Hot dry weather good for hot work

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Workers from APAC made use of a break in the rain and spent Friday paving streets in the area northeast of the intersection of Austin Boulevard and Centennial Avenue. Friday afternoon they were paving at the intersection of Walnut and Alma streets. The annual summer street construction projects are paid for with a one-half cent transportation sales tax. The construction projects are selected by the five member streets and infrastructure committee appointed by the city council. The sales tax generates around $700,000 each year, of which the city is mandated to spend $500,000 on new street construction. The remaining money is used for other street work, like the annual chip and seal program to extend the life to existing streets. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail

An APAC employee rolls out the paving on Walnut Street, just east of Centennial. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail
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