NHS cheer team ready to energize the building

Friday, November 20, 2015
The 2015-16 Nevada High School cheer team, pictured front row from left to right: Isabel Serna, Lauren Watts, Lori Lile, Ra'chelle Hedgesbeth, and Morgan Ernsbarger. Second row: Coach Pam Earnest, Drew Weeks, Michaela Wiggans, Maddison Wiggans, Payton Leftwich, Briannah Lanham, and Coach Sara Parrack. Third row: Savannah Smith, Makalia McDowell, Paige Ellifrtiz, Britiny Fragoso, Courtney Leeker, Taityn Charles, and Sarah Byers. Back row: Kane Hart, Grace Jackson, Riley Haller, Twila Transue, Blair Murray, Jaiden Cherry, Hannah Bond, and Dillon Warren. (Matthew Resnick/Daily Mail)

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