Paige Hertzberg raises $1,040 for VCCR

Friday, July 1, 2016
Erica Skouby (right) visits Paige Hertzburg's (left) charitty bake sale Wednesday in front of her family's store. This is Paige's third annual bake sale and this year she is raising money for Vernon Count Cancer Relief. Gabe Franklin/Daily Mail

By Gabe Franklin

Nevada Daily Mail

With the help of her family and friends, Paige Hertzberg raised $1,040 at her third annual charity bake sale. This year's donations will benefit Vernon County Cancer Relief.

"I saw a girl on TV two years ago. Instead of birthday gifts, she asked her friends for shoes to give to charity," Paige said.

"We spent a lot of time talking about charities and how they help people," said Paige's mom, Amy Hertzberg.

Paige's first bake sale raised $300 for Community Outreach in 2014. Last year, Paige raised $500 for Backpacks for Love.

There were no marked prices on each item, Paige only asked for donations.

Paige chose VCCR this year because they have been helping a close friend who must travel to Kansas City to see an oncologist. "I wanted to help too," Paige said.

"I feel like it is busier this year," Paige said during the bake sale. Amy Hertzberg said $20 and $25 donations were not uncommon this year. Paige said donations have come from as far away as friends in North Carolina.

Paige was not alone in this endeavor. This year, she enlisted the help of her mom Amy and numerous friends including: Julie Wilson, Barbara McAdams, Linda Tourtilott, Kelly Eastwood, Kim Greer, Sherry Lindsay, Tommy Appleberry, and Edna Riley.

Paige Hertzburg presents $1,040 from her bake sale to Ranea Schulze with Vernon County Cancer Relief. Submitted photo

The menu this year featured Tourtilott's famous sugar cookies, although the best sellers were Amy Hertzberg's s'more cookies.

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