4-H alumni honor oldest clubs
4-H alumni honored Vernon County’s oldest clubs and outstanding leaders from the late 1990s at the annual reunion Saturday in the Home Ec. building at the Vernon County Fairgrounds.
“I pledge my head to clearer thinking, My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world,” rang out in unison as the assembled 4-H alumni and members recited the 4-H pledge.
Jared Lile conducted the recognition part of Saturday reunion.
Those first recognized were members and leaders from the 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, and so forth. When Lile reached the 1930s, one hand remained up — that of Jean Sheets who joined Mapledale-Prairie Valley 4-H in 1939. Several members and leaders older than 85 years were also recognized.
Honored Saturday were outstanding 4-H leaders from 1995-2000.
Outstanding 4-H leaders for 1995: Jim Erwin, Max Wagner, and Carol Gaines; 1996: Connie Garton, Carl Johnson, Terry Logan, Kathy Hancock; 1997: Roger Prough, Shirley Flake, Mary Peckman, Jason Comstock; 1998: Sarah Lathrop, Neal Gerster, Barbara Harms, Tammi Beach; 1999: Carol Prough, Julie Forkner, David Rutledge, Linda McKinney.
Connie Garton said, “We don’t realize what a great fair we have until you go to other counties. We were guests at Lincoln County which is up by St Louis. Their show arena is half the size of ours, the diner if half the size and we need to appreciate and keep what we have.”
Carl Johnson said, “If you’re a 4-Her, it’s a family. No matter where you go, you mention you’re in 4-H and those people that were in 4-H in any state — they will gravitate to you and you have … a common connection and it’s contagious everywhere you go.”
The oldest 4-H club in Vernon County is Rinehart 4-H which was chartered in 1937 — the first year clubs were chartered. Ellis, Schell City, and Walker 4-H followed in 1938.
“We are very very honored to be here at this time … 4-H means a lot to all of us,” said Amanda Polluck. “We are very very lucky for what we have here. I went to school in Virginia. Their state fair — their state fair — is dwarfed by the Vernon County Youth Fair.”
One of several that shared memories, Patty Dawson said. “We would spend our Monday night —we’d get off the bus at Marvin and Gladys Helen Forkner’s house — all of us girls that were in foods. We would prepare a meal and we would eat with the family and then we would just walk across the church to 4-H and we would have our monthly meeting. We so treasured getting off the bus and cooking at their house and just spending time with them. Gladys Helen made every one of our girls in foods — she made every one of our girls’ wedding cakes. So those are some precious memories I have of 4-H.”
“I am very thankful to have been a member of such a great club,” long time club leader Anita Byers said.
Current Rinehart 4-H leader Jennifer Byers keeps the club going.
Jennifer Hancock spoke on behalf of Ellis 4-H.
“Now that I do work in Extension with 4-H — you guys have no idea what kind of fair you have,” Hancock said. “It is unbelievable. My fair in Christian County is two days, animals don’t stay overnight … My enrollment, I have 60 kids … it is not the same. When I first went there I was in shock — still am at times.”
Hancock has helped increase 4-H enrollment in Christian County from 25 to 60 over the past two years.
She continued, “We don’t have fair royalty. We don’t have a rodeo. We don’t have anything but we make do with what we’ve got. We’re growing.”
Hancock said there were approximately 40 entries at this year’s fair in Christian County. Vernon County Youth Fair totaled approximately 3,000 entries.
2013 VCYF Queen Maryann Schleuter spoke on behalf of Schell City 4-H
“It was the best time I have ever experienced,” Ann said. “I do know 4-H has helped me grow as a leader and it definitely helps prepare you for life …”
Lastly, club leader Crystal Burch and president Maggie Trytsman represented Walker 4-H.
Trytsman spoke on the achievements of fellow club members and the history of Walker 4-H.
“Just when I think I am putting too much into 4-H … God proves to me fully and completely how important 4-H is to these kids and these families.” Burch said.
Also remembered were 4-H alumni that died in 2016-17. They include: Delbert Johnston, John David Rogers, Genevieve Williams, Shirley Robinson, Howard Lyons, Bob Hacker, Barbara Thompson, Robert Hacker, Jack Winter, Butch Markham, Alice Claudine Burns, Willard Bond, Charlene Wilson, Isabelle Bond, Wallace “Wally” Sloan, Tom Blosser, Gerald Snead, Terry Caldwell, Lester Thornton, and Haydan Morgan.
“Once a 4-H’er, always a 4-H’er,” Phyllis Sprenkle said.
Founded in 1919, Vernon County 4-H will pass the century mark in 2019 and is one of the largest 4-H programs in the state of Missouri.