Vernon County Health Department reports five new confirmed cases of COVID-19

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Vernon County Health Department has confirmed five new positive cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) bringing the county's total confirmed cases to 26. Two of these cases are asymptomatic and three are symptomatic. All cases are isolated at home. Four of today’s cases are household contacts to a previous known positive and one is related to an out-of-county outbreak. The families of these cases are quarantined at home per CDC guidelines.

The case investigation and contact tracing has been completed. The Vernon County Health Department staff has contacted anyone who has been listed as a close contact to the positive cases. Those contacts will be quarantined at home.

Community members are urged to continue to monitor their health. If you develop any symptoms contact your primary care provider or urgent care for further evaluation and testing.

Symptoms include:

• Cough

• Fever

• Shortness of breath

• Chills

• Muscle aches

• Sore throat

• New loss of taste or smell

Individuals should continue to practice social distancing, clean/disinfect any high touched surfaces, wash their hands with soap and water routinely, use hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available and avoid touching your face (especially eyes, nose and mouth).

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