Nevada Lions Club holds installation ceremony

Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Guest Speaker, DG26-M Lion Joe Stoms, performed installation of 2021-2022 Officers.
Photos by Lorie Harter | Daily Mail

Distinguished service history of the Lion's Club dates back to 1917, when Lions Clubs International began as the dream of Chicago insurance man Melvin Jones. He believed that local business clubs should expand their horizons from purely professional concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large.

Since that humble beginning, Lions Club members have volunteered their time and talents to meet needs wherever they exist. Lions are especially dedicated to serving the blind and visually impaired, a commitment made after Helen Keller challenged the members to become her "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness" during the 1925 convention.

The Lions motto, "We Serve" perfectly exemplifies the dedication to helping those in need felt by Lions worldwide. Membership in the Nevada Lions Club allows members to reach people in need, in both local and worldwide communities.

Lion Tamer Lion Sharon Baker.
One Year Director Lion Lorie Harter and Two Year Director Lion Monte Curtis.
Membership Director Lion Ron Schowengerdt.
Nevada Lions Club officers are pictured alongside Guest Speaker, DG26-M Lion Joe Stoms.
Treasurer Lion Wayne Reinert.
Secretary Lion Leslie Carroll-Bartlett.
1st Vice President Lion Lillie Pitts-Wingate, 2nd Vice President Lion Stephanie Breshears, and 3rd Vice Lion Bill Gillette.
President Lion Reyna Blakely and Immediate Past President Lion Jessica Bland.
Installation of New Lion Heather Walker Sheperd.
Special guests in attendance were Mayor George Knox and Mrs. Carol Knox.
Special Awards MVP Mike Headley.
Lion of the Year Lorie Harter.
Outgoing President Lion Jessica Bland gives remarks.
Incoming President Lion Reyna Blakely gives remarks.
Presentation of President's Plaque to Lion Jessica Bland.
Presentation of Eyeglasses by Lion Ron Schowengerdt.
Community Foundation of Ozarks Grant — prepared by Stephanie Breshears — $1,000 was awarded to Lions Club.
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