Nevada R-5 Board of Education considers American Rescue Plan renewal
The Nevada R-5 Board of Education met in special session this week to consider the renewal of the American Rescue Plan.
With no public comment, the board set to work on going over the district's American Rescue Plan response to mitigation strategies. This included the following:
• Universal and Correct Wearing of Masks: Masks are allowed. Due to a federal order, masks are required on buses.
• Physical Distancing, including use of cohorts/podding: Physical Distancing signage is posted for staff and students. Routing and minimum distancing.
• Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette: Consisten with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Increased cleaning for high-touch surfaces and continue effective cleaning practices in all district facilities.
• Contact Tracing: Consistent with CDC. Contact tracing by school administration for notification of possible exposure with isolation rooms available.
• Student/Staff Tests Positive for COVID: Notification to administration, positive excluded from school for 10 calendar days from the first onset of symptoms or from the positive test date if asymptomatic.
• Diagnostic and Screening Testing: Testing available at local health authority or clinic.
• Efforts to Provide Vaccinations to Educators, Other Staff, and Students if eligible: The district participates in voluntary local vaccination events.
• Appropriate Accommodations for Children with Disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies: Accommodations, as necessary, or as mandated by Individual Education Plan.
• Social/Emotional Needs: The district is partnering with Healthy Nevada to continue providing Trauma-Informed/Stress Management strategies to both students and staff.
• Interruptions of In-Person Instruction: In the event student/staff absences become excessive, within a specific building, the district will pivot that building to online instruction utilizing SeeSaw and Google Classroom. Building plans will be shared on the website, via social media, and school reach.
• Patron Input and Revision: The district plan will be regularly reviewed, revised and presented to the Board of Education, no less than every six months.
• Understandable Language: The safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of service plan is available in languages understandable to stakeholders. The plan will be available in English in the district office and on the district website. Stakeholders who employ the oral tradition or who need a copy in another language may contact the office.
According to the Nevada R-5 BOE, "While school districts have a legal obligation to exclude students from school who have a contagious disease or who are (liable to transmit) a communicable disease under state statute (167.191, RSMo), we also recognize the importance of students being in school. This plan is likely to change as more information becomes availabe and the latest legal guidance develops."
A motion to approve the American Rescue Plan as presented was seconded and the board approved, 6-0.
In other new business:
• Consideration of MSBA Board Policy BBB: Dr. Beshore presented MSBA Board Policy BBB for approval. A motion to approve policy BBB as presented was seconded and the board approved, 6-0.
A motion to adjourn was seconded and the board approved, 6-0.