Nevada City Council to consider bids, discuss hospital's ARPA funds request at tonight's meeting
The Nevada City Council will meet in regular session at 7 p.m., in the council chambers (120 S. Ash St.) this evening to tackle a lengthy agenda.
Beginning with appointments to boards and commissions, the council will consider the appointment of Lucia Green to the Library Board.
In consideration of bids, the council will consider Resolution No. 1692. This resolution will authorize the payment to Lexipol, LLC, of East Brunwick, N.J., for the Fire Department Annual Public Safety Policy manuals and procedures. Lexipol provides a full library of customizable, state-specific fire service policies that are updated in response to new state and federal laws and court decisions.
The final item in consideration of bids that the council will consider is Resolution No. 1693. This resolution will accept the bid and authorize payment to Steel and Pipe Supply of New Century, Kan., to repair the Cedar Street bridge. Bids were sent out for steel bids with three companies bidding. These include the following bids: Steel and Pipe Supply — $8,314.91; Metalwest — $1,906.09; and Oden Enterprises — $8,564. Steel and Pipe Supply offered the lowest bid (Metalwest did not offer the 8”X36#X40L steel, or any alternative).
The council will then move on to old business, with the first item being the second reading of Bill No. 2023-003. This special ordinance will authorize the execution of Change Order No. 1 and Change Order No. 2 to the agreement with Strukel Electric, Inc. Change Order No. 1 with Strukel Electric, Inc. includes an addition of $5,100. This is due to additional junction boxes, boring under pavement, labor and supplies. Change Order No. 2 with Strukel Electric, Inc. includes an addition of $2,817. This is due to additional cables, PVC, boring under pavement, labor, and supplies. This project is being funded 100 percent by a reimbursable grant from MoDOT Aviation.
Next, the council will have the second reading of Bill No. 2023-004. This special ordinance will appropriate from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund expenditures for purposes that fulfill the intent of the American Rescue Plan Act for Public Health. This ordinance will reduce the ARPA fund balance of $1,316,530 by a not-to-exceed amount of $250,000 for the purpose of funding the Nevada Regional Medical Center Public Health Initiatives.
The final item in old business will be the second reading of Bill No. 2023-005. This special ordinance will authorize and direct the execution of an amended lease with the Nevada Animal Shelter Corporation, a Missouri nonprofit corporation.
The council will then move on to a long list of items in new business. The first item will be the consideration of Bill No. 2023-006. This general ordinance would amend Section 23-83 of the Code of the City of Nevada, pertaining to garage sales.
The next item of new business will be the consideration of Bill No. 2023-007. This special ordinance would authorize the execution of an agreement between the City of Nevada and the Missouri Office of Administration and the Missouri National Guard for connecting Camp Clark Military Training Facility to the City of Nevada sewer system. This project is 100 percent funded by federal funds received by the State of Missouri, pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act.
Moving on, the council will consider Bill No. 2023-008. This special ordinance would authorize the execution of a governmental cooperative contract with Vernon County and Vernon County Assessor pertaining to assessments of Real and Personal properties with the corporate limits of Nevada, Mo. The County Assessor currently carries out all assessments of real and personal properties within the City of Nevada. The contract would extend the service until the current assessor's term expires on Aug. 31, 2024. The contract will be backdated to begin on Sept. 1, 2022, when the previous contract expired.
The next item the council will consider is Bill No. 2023-009. This is a technical correction ordinance that would vacate the alleyway between Lots 94 and 93 of Wood and Blanchard's Addition (Block K). The original ordinance (8489) stated the alleyway was 10 feet wide. After further review from the Vernon County Assessor's office, it has been determined the alleyway is, in fact, 12 feet wide.
The fifth item in new business will be the consideration of Bill No. 2023-010. This special ordinance would authorize the execution of an agreement with H.W. Lochner, Inc., of Kansas City, Mo., for design services. These services include additional planning and design work related to the reconstruction of the runway and apron connecting the taxiway underdrain install project at the Nevada Municipal Airport. This agreement allows for survey and obstruction analysis work. This agreement is not-to-exceed $53,600.
The council will then consider Bill No. 2023-011. This special ordinance would authorize the execution of a contract between the City of Nevada and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for reconstructing of Runway 13-31 at the Nevada Municipal Airport. This project will be 95/5 funded with the estimated cap of local match at $143,500.
Next, the council will consider Bill No. 2023-012. This special ordinance would authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Water's Edge Aquatic Design of Lenexa, Kan., for the visioning and needs analysis of the Walton Aquatic Center Pool. Water's Edge Aquatic Design previously completed a needs assessment for the repair or replacement of the Walton Aquatic Center Pool and presented their findings to the city council on Dec. 20, 2022. This phase 2 will determine what the community needs are related to Aquatic by conducting online surveys, meeting with various groups who utilized the Walton Pool, and the community at large. Phase 3 will be using the public input and needs analysis to develop a plan for the Walton Aquatic Center.
The council's final new business items will consist of two proposed resolutions. The first is Resolution No. 1690. This resolution would authorize the city council to execute a Missouri Highway Safety Program City Council authorization form for possible funding assistance for traffic enforcement. The Nevada Police Department (NPD) participates in the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Traffic Safety Grant Program. MoDOT requires annual written authorization from the city council to allow for the police department to begin the application process to pursue various traffic safety grants in the next fiscal year. Approval of this resolution will allow the city council to execute this form. Grant applications to MoDOT will be accepted for those programs that incorporate education, enforcement and engineering efforts. These programs are designed to produce reductions in fatalities and injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes.
The final resolution the council will consider is Resolution No. 1691. This resolution would appoint Cynthia Dye as City Clerk for the City Council of the City of Nevada, Mo.