Block party
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Nevada R-5 Parents as Teachers hosted a "block party" on Tuesday, March 27, giving parents and children the opportunity to build family relationships through play and to attend a presentation by Miss Missouri 2011 Sidney Friar.
Cy McNeely.
Brysen Cerny has some fun Ñ all the while learning about colors, shapes, gravity and more during a Parents As Teachers "Building the Family Foundation Block Party" Tuesday evening.
Niya Talbert gets an autographed photo from 2011 Miss Missouri Sydney Friar.
Cora and Kellen Braden display their autographed photos of 2011 Miss Missouri Sydney Friar at a Parents As Teachers event on Tuesday.
Jennifer Eaton and son Hunter play and listen to a story read aloud by Crystal Burch, Parents As Teachers staff,
Austin Reedy gets an autographed photo from Miss Missouri 2011, Sydney Friar of El Dorado Springs.
Nevada R-5 Title I preschool teacher Sara Parrack helps Ian Ponzini play.