Bushwhacker Cookout 1
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Gloria Tucker
Michael Morris, of the Deerfield Fire Department, looks over the burgers and hotdogs he grills for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
Michael Morris, of the Deerfield fire department, grills up some burgers and hotdogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5. His wife, Ashley Morris, stands nearby.
David Prickett, of Deerfield Fire Department, grills up some burgers and hot dogs at the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5. Fellow firefighter Terry Forgey stands nearby.
Deerfield Fire Department prepares the food for the Bushwhacker Cookout during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
David Prickett, of Deerfield Fire Department, flips burgers at the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
Smoke swirls as David Prickett and fellow firefighters of Deerfield Fire Department grill up burgers and hot dogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
People line up for the Bushwhacker Cookout on Wednesday, June 5.
From left with boy with white and black shirt, Jonathan, Sheryl, Ricky and Tabitha Carter (front), of Nevada, line up at the Bushwhacker Cookout on Wednesday, June 5.
Lisa Rainey, of Nevada (Sutherlands apron), grabs an order as people line up for the Bushwhacker Cookout on Wednesday, June 5.
Lisa Rainey, of Nevada (center), grabs an order as people line up for the Bushwhacker Cookout on Wednesday, June 5.