Bushwhacker Cookout 2
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Gloria Tucker
Smoke swirls as David Prickett and fellow firefighters of Deerfield Fire Department grill up burgers and hot dogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
David Prickett, of Deerfield Fire Department, grills up some burgers and hot dogs at the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5. Fellow firefighter Terry Forgey stands nearby.
David Prickett, of Deerfield Fire Department, flips burgers at the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
Terry Forgey and David Prickett, of Deerfield Fire Department, cook up burgers and hot dogs for Bushwhacker Cookout on Wednesday, June 5.
Deerfield Fire Department prepares the food for the Bushwhacker Cookout during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
Deerfield Fire Department prepares the food for the Bushwhacker Cookout during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
From left, Darlene Beace and Valorie LeDuc, of Nevada, prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
From left, Darlene Beace and Valorie LeDuc, of Nevada, prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
People line up for the Bushwhacker Cookout on Wednesday, June 5.
From left, Darlene Beace and Valorie LeDuc, of Nevada, prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.