Donna Rodriguez brings, from left, Jonathan, Sheryl, Ricky and Tabitha Carter, of Nevada, their meal at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
Braxtin Martin digs into her nachos at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
Donna Rodriguez brings, from left, Tabitha, Sheryl and Ricky Carter, of Nevada, their meal at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
Braxtin Martin gets her meal at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
From left, Darlene Beace and Valorie LeDuc, of Nevada, prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
Braxtin Martin digs into her nachos at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
Lisa Rainey takes the payment for the meal of, from left, Braxtin and Michelle Martin at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
Lisa Rainey takes the order of, from left, Mallory Conner, Braxtin Martin and Michelle Martin at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.
From left, Darlene Beace and Valorie LeDuc, of Nevada, prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for the Bushwhacker Cookout Wednesday, June 5.
Braxtin Martin, of Nevada, gets a little messy as she digs into her nachos served by Lisa Rainey at the the Bushwhacker Cookout.