Bushwhacker Ice Cream Social 2
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Gloria Tucker
Caroline Taylor, of Nevada (center), and fellow Laurels prepare the Ice Cream Social for Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
Linda Moore, of Nevada, selects earthquake cake at the Ice Cream Social during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
Quentin Fast, of Nevada, enjoys ice cream at the Ice Cream Social during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
Laurels Ellen Vyergo gets Don Bronaugh, of Nevada, his cake and ice cream at the Ice Cream Social during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
Laurels Beth Waldrup scoops chocolate ice cream at the Ice Cream Social during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
Alaina Hardin and Quentin Fast, of Nevada, enjoy their ice cream during the Ice Cream Social during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.
From left, Alaina Hardin, Quentin Fast and Tessa Hardin, of Nevada, enjoy ice cream at the Ice Cream Social during Bushwhacker Days on Wednesday, June 5.