Wild Horse Ministries 1
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Gloria Tucker
Lenora Daily urges Plano Cat forward as he carries a person the first time at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.
People crowd around the arena at Riverside Cowboy Church as Paul Daily of Wild Horse Ministries, center, speaks on Tuesday.
Lenora Daily rides Plano Cat for the first time while Paul Daily, of Wild Horse Ministries, spurs him forward at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.
Lenora Daily smiles as she rides the newly saddled Plano Cat at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday. Her father Paul Daily spurs the horse on.
Lenora Daily leads Plano Cat while her father Paul Daily gives a demonstration at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.
Plano Cat trots with a saddle for the first time during a demonstration by Paul Daily at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.
Lenora Daily, rubs down Plano Cat as he rests after carrying a saddle and a person for the first time at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.
Plano Cat pulls Lenora Daily as her father Paul Daily, of Wild Horse Ministries, spurs him forward at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.
Lenora Daily carries the flag atop Joker before her father Paul Daily gives a demonstration with a message at Riverside Cowboy Church.
Jeanie and Arnold Pettit of Milo look over the blanket and saddle Paul Daily will use in his demonstration at Riverside Cowboy Church on Tuesday.