Sheldon Picnic7
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Gloria Tucker
Mayor Jared Lamb takes home the grand champion watermelon at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
The watermelon auction brings in donations for the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
A crowd gathers for the royalty contest at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
The parade begins down Main Street at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
Riverside Cowboy Church hands out pamphlets in the parade at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
Public saftey vehicles roll down Main Street in the parade at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
Horses parade down Main Street at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
Grand Marshal Dorothy Walker waves in the parade at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
Horses parade down Main Street at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.
Terry Koehn prepares handmade ice cream while Amos Hinkle watches at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic on Saturday.