Peril on the High Seas3
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Gloria Tucker
Aracnia Webb, Valerie Rainey, helps Snively Swine, Nick Geeding, out of hiding in Nevada high school's presentation of Peril on the High Seas on Friday.
Mary Pickaxe, Taylor Strope, and Captain Barney Kuhl, Tyler McElwayne, chat in Nevada high school's presentation of Peril on the High Seas on Friday.
Sgt. Willy Ketchum, Johnathon Ireland, looks for suspects while Ritzy, Mackenzie Gallagher, Mitzi, Nakell Baker, and Ditzy, Jessica DeCocq, show off their flapper attire in Nevada high school's presentation of Peril on the High Seas on Friday.
Marla and Brett Snead look silent auction items before Nevada high school's presentation of Peril on the High Seas on Friday.
A third of the Performance Center is filled for the Nevada high school's presentation of Peril on the High Seas on Friday.