Bushwhacker Days 2018 - Thursday
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Gabe Franklin
Bushwhacker Museum director Will Tollerton leads the Legends of Our Flags program during the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square.
Members of the Viertnam Veterans of American Chapter 918 fold a US flag as an announcer explains the meaning of each fold.
Jims Phips, member of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 918, stands at Present Arms during a retirement ceremony for a US flag during the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square.
2017 Bushwhacker royalty line up during the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square.
2017 Little Miss Olivia Claspill helps 2018 Junior Miss Elaina Dye with her sash during the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square.
Ralph Pokorney prepares to take 2018 Bushwhackers Days queen Erica Skouby's photograph following the coronation during the 2018 Bushwhacker Dyas opening ceremony Thuesday evening on the Square.
2017 Bushwhacker Days royalty line up for a group photo following the coronation of the 2018 royalty during the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square.
2018 Bushwhacker royalty pose for a photograph following the coronation ceremonyduring the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square. Pictured are, from left: Queen Erica Skouby, Princess Charity Middleton, Junior Miss Elaina Dye, Little Miss Olivia Claspill and Miss Pioneer Miranda Thomas
Members of The Farnum Family tune their instruments before performing Thursday evening at Bushwhackers Days on the Square.
The warms temperatures did not deter a good crowd from attending the opening ceremonies of Bushwhacker Days on Thursday evening.
The Farnum Family performs during the 2018 Bushwhacker Days opening ceremonies Thursday evening on the Square.