Tractor pull
Friday, June 27, 2014
Nicole Garner
Jackson Prough prepares to pull in the lawn tractor division.
Despite the heat, crowds gathered at the truck and tractor pull Saturday evening. The event was held at the Vernon County Youth Fairgrounds, and proceeds benefit the youth fair.
Randy Snyder pulls a sled during a truck pulling division Saturday evening. Crowds along the fenceway were frequently pelted with dirt.
Logan Miller attempts to pull a sled but only got halfway down the track. Many watching remarked about Miller's truck dumping water. "You lost all your water," several yelled after he stopped.
"Pocket Money" pulls halfway down the track before stopping due to a sled malfunction. It took another tractor and truck to reorient the sled and several minutes before the heat could continue.
A tractor pull contestant gears up to pull down the track while emitting plumes of smoke.