Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic5
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Gloria Tucker
Linleigh Denney escorted by Tanner Fowler is sashed little princess at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic.
Little princess candidates Kimberly Spencer escorted by Justice Graham, left, Linleigh Denney escorted by Tanner Fowler and Audrianna Burris escorted by Jayden Berten line the stage at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic.
MiKaela Berten is crowned mini princess by 2013 queen at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic.
Mini princess candidates Payton Gardner escorted by Cody Gardner, left, and MiKaela Berten escorted by Judd Loyd line the stage for the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic.
Princess candidate Leah Byram is escorted by Logen O'Connell at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic.
The 2013 princess crowns Leah Byram princess at the Sheldon Old Settlers Picnic.