4-H Horse Fest 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Gabe Franklin
Under the tutelage of Tom Williams, Lauryn "Lou" Hollands demonstrates the proper way to present a horse to the judge in the Showmanship class.
Lauryn "Lou" Hollands demonstates a pivot. "Never pull a horse towards you, they might step on your foot," Hollands said.
Following a demonstration of Showmanship skills, 4-H members were invited into the ring to try it themselves. From left: Tom Williams, Cort Anderson, Kiera Stafford, Jamie Sisseck, Cole Burch, Luke Anderson.
Kiera Stafford is an experienced rider but has never participated in Showmanship before.
Luke Anderson tried his hand at Showmanship.
Cole Burch climbed up the arena fence for a better view.
In between activities in the ring, several of the boys found other ways to occupy themselves. Back row, from left: Connie Fritter, Gage Hollands. Front row, from left: Garrett Hollands, Ridge Hollands.
Tom Williams instruct's Kiera Stafford on longe line training a young horse.
Tim Williams demostrates the proper way to inspect a horse's rear foot.
Cort Anderson (left) and Lauryn Hollands (right) take instruction from Tom Williams (not pictured) on using leg pressure to help guide a horse.
From left: Lauryn Hollands, Cort Anderson, Luke Anderson.
Jennifer Gundy talks about the equipment needed for barrel racing.
Jennifer Gundy runs her horse through the barrels at speed.