NEVC Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
James R. Campbell
Northeast Vernon County Schools observed Veterans Day with a ceremony featuring Navy veteran Jim Wilde Sr. of Cadmenton, who called on the students to accept the leadership that adulthood will offer.
Navy veteran Jim Wilde Sr. of Cadmenton discusses his career on submarines at Northeast Vernon County Schools on Veterans Day. Behind him are Elementary School Principal Kendall Ogburn, Superintendent Charles Naas and teachers Tim Tabor and Suzanne Ridgway.
Veterans of all branches of military service and their relatives are recognized at NEVC in Walker. The theme song of each branch was played.
The Whiteman Air Force Base Color Guard presents the colors to begin NEVC's Veterans Day ceremony. Two members later folded the American flag as the significance of each fold was related.
Veterans and students sing the National Anthem as Northeast Vernon County Schools celebrate Veterans Day. The crowd was estimated at more than 250.