Council on Families in Crisis Men's Awareness Walk 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
By Gabe Franklin
Mike Bessey looks for that perfect pair of heals for the Men's Awareness Walk at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center Tuesday evening. The event was hosted by the Council on Families in Crisis and aimed to raise awareness of domestic violence.
Steve Brier, Mickey Lockhart and Ron Schowengerdt show off their heals before the Men's Awareness Walk at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center Tuesday evening. The event was hosted by the Council on Families in Crisis and aimed to raise awareness of domestic violence.
Mark Mendenhall, left, and Mike Bessey build a boat during the Men's Awareness Walk at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center Tuesday evening. The boat that held the most pennys won the event. The event was hosted by the Council on Families in Crisis and aimed to raise awareness of domestic violence.
Martha Sanders addes pennies to the boats built by the teams at the Men's Awareness Walk at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center Tuesday evening. The last boat afloat won the event. The event was hosted by the Council on Families in Crisis and aimed to raise awareness of domestic violence.
The team from the United Methodist Church of Nevada just learned they placed third in the boat building competition at the Men's Awareness Walk at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center Tuesday evening. The event was hosted by the Council on Families in Crisis and aimed to raise awareness of domestic violence. Pictured, from left: Jason Irwin, Bill Gregory, Jeff Snyder, and Steve Brier