The way it was 8/31
100 Years Ago -- August 31, 1903
Nevada was visited by horse thieves as well as burglars and as a result, one fine mare owned by Dr. L.H. Callaway was stolen as at this time has not been heard from. Horse thieves have been very active in the work for the past two months but Nevada has been very fortunate in not being visited by this class of scoundrels. The two sons of F.B. Callaway, who lives north of Nevada and who is the brother of Dr. Callaway, rode the stolen mare and her mate to Nevada. The boys came to Nevada for some medicine, arriving here about 9:30. After getting the medicine, they immediately went to the hitch rack on the north side of the Square, it being 9:50. The boys found one of the mares but the little roan was missing.
75 Years Ago -- August 31, 1928 ELLIS ECHO'S -- The Ellis Domestic Science Club met with Mrs. Chester Gray in an all-day meeting and basket dinner last Wednesday. Mrs. Cites will be hostess at the next meeting. Election of officers and something to eat, members please be present. Mrs. Ira McCombs and granddaughter of Kansas City spent the past week visiting old friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. McWarthers and family spent Sunday in Kansas attending a family reunion.
50 Years Ago -- August 31, 1953 FROM ST. LOUIS -- A contract agreement ending the 11-day strike old Southwestern Bell Telephone Company strike was reached at 6:50 a.m. CST today. Officials said the 53,000 striking CIO Communications workers were to return to work on their next regular shift. The contract is for one year, effective yesterday. It calls for a general wage increase ranging from $1.50 to $3 a week, depending on seniority and job classification. Wages ranged from $35 to $95 weekly under the old contract. Regular telephone service has resumed at the Nevada exchange by 8 o'clock this morning when striking operators returned to work. No problems marred the strike in Nevada nor was there any report of sabotage to telephone equipment. 4-H NEWS -- The Vernon County 4-H "Share the Fun Contest" will be held in the Nevada High School Auditorium Tuesday night, starting at 8 o'clock, George Sundstrom, assistant County Extension Agent, said today. The "Share the Fun Contest" is basically a 4-H talent show held once a year. In order to qualify, a 4-Her must be currently enrolled, over ten years of age and have already completed one 4-H project.