The way it was
100 Years Ago -- January 7, 1904
Nevada was complimented today by the presence of a number of the leading members of the medical profession, the occasion being the first quarterly session of the Hodgens Medical Association. The membership made up by the physicians of Bates, Cass, Vernon and Barton Counties.
The medical professions of this state hold a commanding place in the medical world and possibly no counties in the state can feel prouder of its physicians than these that constitute the Hodgens' Association. Among those present outside of Nevada physicians were: Dr. C.H. Jarvis of Schell City; Dr. Turex of Milo; Dr. W.H. Popplewell of Sheldon; Dr. Wardin of Pleasant Hill; Dr. Cole of Lamar; Dr. Overholser of Harrisonville, president of the association and Dr. Rhodes, the secretary.
75 Years Ago -- January 7, 1929
ENTERTAINMENT NEWS -- Manager Bowman of the Arbo Theatre, feeling that the singing and vaudeville acts he had billed for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, did not measure up to what he expected as a special entertainment for the Arbo patrons, cancelled the program at the close of the Sunday matinee.
50 Years Ago -- January 7, 1954
SPORTS NEWS -- Golf Wizard Ben Hogan seemed to get a genuine glow of pleasure out of his selection as America's Outstanding Male Athlete of 1953 and in discussing the events of last year, unloaded a surprise. Advised that he had been named the Athlete of the Year in the 23rd Annual Associated Press Poll, the third golfer in history to win the award, Hogan exclaimed, "that's wonderful, that's the biggest."
The 41- year-old Texan, as you know, scored a golden triple in 1953 in capturing the Masters, The United States Open for the fourth time and the British Open.
RICHARDS -- "Let's Do More in'54" was the theme of the sermon Sunday at the morning service. The minister, the Rev. Don Rankin, preached at Hume at the 11 o'clock service.
A pictograph of the birth and boyhood of Jesus was used as a basis for the Christmas program at the Church Christmas Eve. The group sang Christmas carols and old Santa appeared as Jingle Bells was sung.
Santa's helper distributed a tray of nuts, candy and oranges.
Repair work on the J.F. Allen home that was damaged by fire is progressing nicely.