Primary election candidate filing to begin on Feb. 24

Thursday, February 12, 2004

By Justin Baldwin

Nevada Daily Mail

Now that the presidential primary juggernaught has passed through Missouri and gotten everyone in the voting mood it is time for candidates to file for the Vernon County primary election.

Beginning on Feb. 24 at 8 a.m. and closing March 30 at 5 p.m. candidates are required to bring a $50 filing fee receipt or a check to the Central Committee of the candidate's party affiliation. The only exemption to this rule relates to the township committeeman and committeewoman positions.

County Clerk Tammi Beach reported that this year, as in the past, candidates filing on the first day will draw numbers. These number s will be used to determine placement on the ballot. After the first day, placement will be on a first come-first-serve basis.

"That just seems to be the fairest way to do it and that is what we are going to continue to do while I am in office," said Beach.

Beach said that in years past it used to be a big deal to see who could get to the courthouse first to get preferred placement, because the first person to file would appear first on the ballot. Candidates interested in the random drawing should have everything they need together and filed by 5 p.m. Feb. 24.

This election year there are going to be many offices coming to term, including a two-year term for the presiding county commissioner, both the northern and southern districts of the county commissioners, sheriff, assessor, treasurer, public administrator, coroner, surveyor, township or ward committeeman and township or ward committeewoman.

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