Leonard at large
A sneak preview of the new Vernon County Senior Center was held Sunday, with approximately 200 in attendance. There is much enthusiasm and excitement for the center in this community. People from different parts of the county were in attendance and that is what it is being developed for -- the senior citizens of all of Vernon County.
When I became involved on trying to get a new senior center approximately 7 or 8 years ago, I thought that we would never have one in my lifetime. But thanks to the park sales tax and a grant, it is nearly here. There is a need to get some additional furnishings for the center and to get agreements signed, and then the senior center will be moved to the new location at Main and Hunter.
I had the opportunity to serve with others in doing the necessary things to establish the Vernon County Seniors Inc. The by-laws were set up in such a way that after a board member serves two terms for two years, they had to go off the board. Because it was in the starting stages, I had served on the committee and board before my 4 years started. About three years ago I retired from the board, but my interest in getting the center has remained strong.
Sunday, when I went to the sneak preview, I was wondering if there would be many in attendance. Sure enough, it was well attended and people were pleased with what they were seeing.
The architecture and the design is attractive. With the open ceiling, it is reminiscent of entering a nice restaurant in an urban area. This building is something that will result in this community taking pride. Other communities will be envious of our attractive building for senior citizens.
Monday, I visited with Carol Branham, Nevada parks and recreation director. She was excited about the event that was held Sunday. She said that there were many compliments for the center and she did not receive any complaints. With the additional space that the new building will provide, there will be additional programs introduced at the center for our older citizens. She expects that there will be such an increase in usage that she predicts within 24 months, there will be a need for expansion of the building. It is designed so there can be expansion in the future.
There were citizens that came up to her with a smile on their faces saying the building is nice. Her comment to them, was, "It is your building, as it was built with your tax dollars -- the sales tax and also the block grant, which is also tax money."
Carol is correct in making this type of statement. As citizens we all have ownership in the building.
Monday, I caught up by phone with Chris Hopkins, senior service director for Vernon County, attending a three day meeting in Jefferson City. She was also excited about the good turn out for the event held on Sunday and received good and positive comments. Chris is anxious for the center to moved into the new facility. She commented, "Need to raise more money to get it finish and to get in there."
New information for me is that Sandy Davis has started with the center as program coordinator. I saw her Sunday, but did not realize she had been employed in this position. With her enthusiasm and many good ideas, she will be good for the center, especially when moving into the new location.
Watch for further announcements of a flag pole dedication to be held next Monday at 10 a.m., with Congressman Ike Skelton making the dedication. The flag pole is good for the center and it is good to have an event of this type preceding the move.
The building was completed with the use of the park tax and block grant. None of the block funds could go toward furnishings and it is necessary for the Vernon Seniors Inc., often referred to as the building committee, to raise funds for the furnishings. It is important for a new building to have good furniture. Some of the furnishings have been purchased. The move will not be completed until adequate money is raised for the furnishings.
Wayne Reinert, Vernon County Senior, Inc. chairman, has reported that there have been several donations made.
There has been additional donations made since Sunday as result of people seeing the new center. More donations are expected in the near future. Even after the move is made, there will remain needs to be met.
Much have been done to get the new Vernon County Senior Center where it is now. However, more is needed in order to make the facility functional. Vernon County Senior Inc. and the Capital Campaign Committee are asking for your help. This is an opportunity to make an investment for what will be important for this community. These investments are tax deductible. Contributions can be made to any board member, or mailed to First National Bank, attn.: Wayne Reinert, 100 West Walnut, Nevada, Missouri 64772. Senior citizens and future senior citizens from thought the county will benefit from your generosity. You can also contact the same individuals if you have any questions.
The current members on the building board in addition to Wayne are Laverne Crooks, Barbara Ferry, Sara Lawhorne, Al Mundy, and Sandy Thomas. The Capital Campaign Committee members include Janet Dougherty, Jean Edwards, John McKinley, Tom Pyle, Charles Thompson, and myself.
Another subject was on my mind for this column, but after seeing the center again Sunday and getting the impressions of others, this had to be my subject.
The new senior center is getting here quicker that what we had expected when the idea for a building was introduced. With the sneak review, seeing is believing.