Community celebrates Easter with several events during Holy Week

Sunday, April 4, 2004

Several area churches and community groups are hosting special events during the coming week in celebration of Easter.

Triumphant Love

Once again, the Praise Choir and Celebration Orchestra present "Triumphant Love" based on the story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, at the First Baptist Church of Nevada, 301 E. Highland Ave.

The production will be presented at 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 9 and Saturday, April 10, with the doors opening at 6:45 for the MarketPlace. Tickets are free but required.

Child care is available by reservation only. To make reservations for children age 2 and younger, call Diana at (417) 667- 6036.

For more information, call the church office at (417) 667-6036.

Moundville United Methodist Church Holy Week events

The Moundville United Methodist Church will host the following events to observe Holy Week and celebrate Easter: Thursday, April 8, 6 p.m., Pioneer Clubs with focus on Easter; Friday, April 9, 7 p.m., Good Friday Service; and Sunday, April 11, 9 a.m. Easter service and egg hunt.

Sunrise Easter service

The Deerfield Baptist Church, Clayton Christian Church and Deerfield Church of God (Holiness) are hosting a sunrise Easter service at 7 a.m., April 11, at the Deerfield Baptist Church, in Deerfield, featuring special songs from each of the churches and an Easter message.

Breakfast will be served in the fellowship hall following the service.

Maundy Thursday celebration

The First Presbyterian Church of Nevada will hold a Maundy Thursday service on April 8 at 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Summer of Jesus Christ with his 12 apostles.

Bible passages will be read and church elders will serve those present.

Open to the public.

Resurrection question answered

Sheldon Christian Church will focus on "The Resurrection: True or False?"

Tuesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. as Andrew Kirschner looks at the historical evidence and answers the question, "Did it really happen?"

Refreshments will be provided.

Easter egg hunt

Medicalodge of Nevada, 1210 W. Ashland, will host an Easter Egg hunt at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 10.

The event is for children ages 1 to 11.

Prizes will be awarded for each age group.

Editor's note: this article includes only those events submitted to the newspaper so far. Other events may also be planned.

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