Cottey welcomes new president

Friday, April 16, 2004
Dr. Judy Robinson Rogers held her first press conference as president of Cottey College Thursday. Brian Johnson/Daily Mail

By Brian Johnson

Nevada Daily Mail

There's a new president in town, and her name is Dr. Judy Robinson Rogers.

Rogers who met with the media on Thursday, didn't know what to expect during her first press conference as college president. But one thing was for sure she did seem to be excited about the opportunities of replacing Dr. Helen Washburn.

"I'm just thrilled with it," Dr. Rogers said. "It's a beautiful campus. Women are engaged with their education just like it should be."

Before Dr. Rogers came to Nevada she was the vice president for leadership and ethics at Georgetown College in Georgetown Ky.

Having spent all her life in the Bluegrass State, Rogers had some reservations in leaving her home.

"I've spent my whole life in Kentucky," Rogers said. "I spent some time thinking of what I should do."

Rogers has a couple of months to get used to Missouri. Her term as Cottey President starts on July 1 where her first action as president will be to build on the strong relationship the college and the town has.

"We need to have a strong community between Cottey and Nevada," Rogers said. "The relationship needs to be a mutual thing."

The strong bond with the community isn't the only thing Rogers likes about Cottey. She also thinks the all-girl school is a hidden diamond in the rough.

"Cottey is a jewel," Rogers said. "It brings women together. It's a college that is run by women, for women and was started by women. I think that is a great story."

Rogers is also passionate about teaching. At Centre College in Kentucky, she received an undergraduate degree in English and speech/theatre. Could she be teaching a few classes along with being its president?

"I don't want to rule that out," Rogers said. "I'm always involved in it somehow."

Whether teaching or just running the school Rogers, just wants to see the school do well.

"I hope this place grows," Rogers said. "When you have a good thing you want to see it grow."

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