Nevada High School students win region in stock market game

Friday, April 30, 2004

By Peg Miller

Special to the Nevada Daily Mail

Two teams from Nevada High School took first and second place in the National Stock Market Game for the West Central Secondary II Region in the spring competition, the state director announced this week.

Kevin Lee, Kylee Francis and Dan Peters were the members of the first place team. This team also took the honors in the fall game of the SMG. Placing second was the team of Devin Ozkal, Chris Long, Tiffany Cartwright and Bryan Campbell. Peg Miller, instructor in the high school's Action Program, is their teacher. Twenty-six teams from this region and more than 922 teams statewide participated in the simulation.

NHS had 4 teams participating from the Action program and the teams placed 1-4 in the region and in the state they placed 5th, 7th, 13th and 17th putting them in the top 2 percent of the state.

The Stock Market Game World Wide in Missouri is a 10-week Internet educational simulation that encourages students to learn about stock markets and the American economic system. Over the last 20 years, this program has helped more than 6 million students nationwide and in 15 other countries learn how financial markets work and how capital is raised to fund business growth.

Teams of one to five students invest a hypothetical $100,000 in a portfolio of common stocks listed on the New York and American stock exchanges and the NASDAQ market. Participants develop skills in math, economics, personal finance, language arts, social studies, business education, technology, life skills and critical thinking, while building and maintaining a stock portfolio.

The Missouri Council on Economic Education, sponsors of the SMG in Missouri, will recognize the winning teams and present medals to them at an awards dinner in Springfield next week.

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