Bickel named Citizen of the Year

By Lynn A. Wade
Nevada Daily Mail
Each year, the Nevada Rotary Club bestows on one of Vernon County's own an honor recognizing that individual's dedication, care and commitment to the community.
It's the Citizen of the Year Award, and, in the words of Kathi Wysong, who was presented last year's award, it's "truly a life-changing experience, and one you'll never, ever forget."
It's an honor based on the person's track record in community service for the previous five years, but is mostly based on the current year's "service above self." It recognizes civic-mindedness and community responsibility, and nominations are accepted from the community at large, civic groups and other organizations. A long-standing tradition, the Citizen of the Year award has been presented annually since 1942, when the first such honor went to J.H. Bean.
This year's Citizen of the Year is Jim Bickel, community activist and presiding circuit judge -- selected for the award because his service goes far beyond the judicial bench.
Several community leaders and friends of Bickel spoke in his honor during the brief presentation ceremony at the Nevada Country Club on Thursday -- but not before Wysong presented Bickel with tokens of appreciation in honor of his "staunch support of Tigers, be they Nevada, Lamar or Mizzou."
One was a tiger tail, which Bickel waved jovially, and the other a spirit towel.
Bickel's an avid MU Tiger fan, but closer to home he was instrumental in bringing collegiate baseball to town in the form of the Nevada Griffons early in the 1980s, and his support of the team during the early years was clear as friends related stories of traveling with the team.
Bickel was also recognized for his support of the YMCA, his strong leadership role in the United Methodist Church, and his role in the Vernon County Drug Court.
Bickel spearheaded the formation of the diversionary program, which offers certain first-time offenders facing charges for substance abuse-related charges a chance to seek treatment. There are a number of requirements drug court participants must meet, but if they are successful in turning their lives around and meet those requirements, then the charges pending are dropped with prejudice. So far 11 people have graduated the program, 24 are currently participating and three are nearing graduation.
One of the 11, Carl Carpenter, said he'd had a problem with alcohol, but thanks to the program, he's been sober for two years and his life has changed dramatically -- in part due to Bickel's care, compassion and dedication to the program.
Judge Jerry McBeth said, "This isn't an award you get for what you do at work. It's what you do that's not your work."
Behind the scenes, McBeth said, Bickel takes time each week to meet with drug court participants, to see how they're doing, to offer them support as a volunteer, showing great dedication.
Bickel accepted the award with obvious emotion, saying receiving such an award is "truly humbling."
It came as no surprise to onlookers that he took a moment to give credit to others, in particular noting that Joy Hawks had an important role in the formation of the Nevada Griffons.
"When you're surrounded by other dedicated people who want to do the job with you, that's what makes you successful. That's what makes a project work," Bickel said.
As Bickel joined family and friends, Rotary President Corey Johnson said, "Everyone in here will be better people because this man is in our town."