The Way It Was
100 years ago:
Legislature resolves to give vote to Missouri women
JEFFERSON CITY, -- Among other joint and concurrent resolutions introduced in the house, is one presented by Mr. Quigg of Cooper County, providing that a proposition to amend the constitution to give females the right of suffrage shall be submitted to the people.
It is proposed to extend the right of franchise to all women over the age of 21 years who may possess all the qualifications and meet the requirements demanded of a male voter, even to the naturalization of those who may be foreign born.
75 years ago:
Two checks land man in county jail
Matt Tomason was arrested Monday afternoon by Chief of Police Bruce Moore and Policeman Lefty Hill on a charge of passing worthless checks and was put in the county jail in default of a $1,000 bond.
He was arraigned before Judge L.N. Kennedy and his case will come to trial at the February term of court.
Tomason went in Robinson's Hardware Store and bought a gun for about $20.
He gave for payment a $25 check written on the Deerfield State Bank and signed "J.R. Newman," but he did not take the gun from the store.
A telephone call to the bank at Deerfield proved that the check was not good and the officers were called and arrested the man before he left the store.
50 years ago:
High school students check county soil
for uranium
Superintendent of schools C.H. Jones Jr., who also teaches chemistry and physics at Nevada High School said that Geiger counters and bead tests are being used in the Nevada Junior-Senior High School science laboratory to determine whether there are radioactive ores in Vernon County.