McCord, Cash to exchange vows
Nevada Herald
Doug and Bonnie McCord, Nevada, announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan Elizabeth McCord, Nevada, to Matthew Dean Cash, Nevada, son of Peery and Jill Cash and Joann Cash, all of Nevada.
The bride-elect is a 2003 graduate of Nevada High School, and will graduate from Drury University, Springfield, Mo, in December 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. She will enter the University of Missouri School of Law in Columbia, Mo., in August 2006. She is currently employed by Stu Dunlop & Associates, and Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church.
The prospective groom is a 2003 graduate of Nevada High School and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in accounting and a Master of Business Administration degree at Drury University. He is employed at the accounting firm of Mechsner & Associates LLC.
A May 21 wedding is planned at the United Methodist Church of Nevada.