Nevada youth wrestlers qualify for regionals

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

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There were 16 Nevada wrestlers who participated in the district tournament at Neosho Saturday. Ten of the youth wrestlers qualified for the regional wrestling tournament in Joplin March 12.

At the district tournament Sam Ellifrits won the 10-and-under 170-pound division; Taylor Chapman placed second in the 14-and-under 145-pound class; Slade Stiles was third in the 10-and-under 55-pound division; Tanner Charles placed third in the 10-and-under 65-pound class; Zach Shepherd placed fourth in the 10-and-under 80-pound class; Chase Brooks placed fifth in the 14-and-under 165-pound division; Todd Brier was fifth in the 14-and-under 115-pound class; Dylan Hyder was fifth in the 8-and-under 50-pound class; True Beisly was sixth in the 10-and-under 70-pound class; and Jordan Hagerman was sixth in the 14-and-under 125-pound division. The top six in each class qualified for regionals.

Pictured is Shepherd.

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