Nevada golfers open season in Neosho

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

By Joe Warren

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada Tigers boys golf team started their 2005 season Monday, playing in a tournament hosted by Neosho.

The tournament was in a different format than most high school events, as two golfers from each school played as individuals, two played in a best-ball format and two played in a scramble.

Trey Gayman and Zach Braucher were the two Tiger golfers who competed individually at the Neosho Municipal Golf Course. Gayman shot a 94, while Braucher finished with a 97.

Sam Moore and David Cavener teamed up for the best ball event, shooting an 85.

Brice Leonard and Branden Scism played the scramble portion of the event, combining to score an 80.

Nevada coach Brian Leonard said the opening tournament went well.

"I was pleased with the boys' performance," Leonard said. "(the tournament) showed them what kind of competition we have in the area."

Leonard said the team was working diligently to get better.

"They will continue to grow and continue to improve," Leonard said. "The scores will be going down. They're working hard. I've been real pleased."

There were 19 teams from Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma in the tournament.

The Tigers will be in action again today when they host their first match at Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course. The Tigers will be competing against El Dorado Springs.

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